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NVISA and OneMedia 3.0 release major NextGen TV consumer survey study

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

We are excited to be able to present the results of a compelling consumer market research project undertaken by NVISA, with the support of Sinclair Broadcasting's OneMedia 3.0 group. The project report - "The Case for an ATSC 3.0 Advanced Emergency Information Service: Research on how American consumers view their emergency information options and how new features enabled by ATSC 3.0 can improve them." - can be found here.

Our joint aim with this research is to delve deeper into consumer attitudes and preferences on how they obtain emergency information, with a specific focus on broadcast media, wireless services, and social media.

The results are intriguing, and in several areas surprising. The results may provide companies, developers and even government agencies with insights on how consumers are obtaining emergency information, their preferred sources, and how generations differ in their behavior. The report also points to gaps that capabilities enabled by NextGen TV may be able to fill.

The research indicates some clear consumer preferences and trends on how consumers search for information during an urgent situation. These findings could provide both companies and policymakers with additional grounding on how consumers currently use different sources and technologies during emergency situationss.

A further challenge is not about forecasting what technologies or services will emerge or be enhanced - such as NextGen TV - but in how they will be adopted.

We hope that you and your colleagues find this research useful resource in your strategic thinking and planning.

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